Factors affecting employment rates in 30 randomly selected countries

Prosper Aime Tchoumo, Stephen Captarencu, Gabriel Amoah Arthur, David Ayikambey

Nowadays, getting employment is not always an easy task. In some countries, the employment rate is very high whereas in s0me others, it is very low. The purpose of this project is to investigate which country has the highest and which one has the lowest employment rates among at least 30 countries we will explore. We also want to know what factors affect employment rates in these countries. Using our data, we investigate employment rates in 6 categories of workers in these 30 countries from 1991 to 2020. The plan of our work will be as follows: we download 15 variables related to work from the data link: https://www.gapminder.org/data/. We clean and combine it into a single file that will be attached in this project for submission, download the data for each country over multiple years. We next process the data in R so that all downloaded tables are joined by country names, use tidyverse to clean the data and combine it into a single file that will be attached in this project for submission. The final data after pre-processing is stored in a csv file for submission. We use the different methods studied in class to learn about our data.